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July 31, 2006


hey! its another heatwave in nyc! great. last time my neighborhood lost power. some people for over a week. for how much i love NYC. sometimes this place is just super ghetto. i am attempting to record a new album. but to record. i need to turn off my A/C unit. then with all my gear on. the G5 grinding away. it gets hot fast, and really takes the fun out of it.

if anyone came out to see the pandatone live thinger at BAPlab. thanks! and i apologize that we couldn't do our cool live thing we had worked on. the sound was so out of control. all we could get was feedback. so i ended up just doing a set on my laptop. not as fun. no. hopefully we'll try again. but it's on to recording for me. hopefully will have a new LP out around the end of the summer on music related.

Posted by trevor at July 31, 2006 8:09 PM


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