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October 28, 2006

50 minutes. nay on torture

does it feel like pandatone has been asleep? it does to me. though i haven't. just been moving around labels. the label that will release my much delayed miniLP "what has nature done for me recently". has just released a new compilation. with a song by me that appears, and will not appear anyplace else on it. the CD has 50 songs, by 50 artists, all 1 minute long. so my song is only 1 minute long. though i think it is one of the better pop songs i have written. here is the press blurp..

"50minutes is a compilation album that's been created to raise money for The Medical Foundation for the Care of Victims of Torture. All proceeds from the album will go to the charity. 50 different artists have recorded 50 new tracks for the album, each one 60 seconds long. The result is an incredibly eclectic 50 minute album, that somehow flows together as a continuous piece of music. At times it's beautiful, at others madcap, but it is always utterly captivating.
The album features a mix of established and unsigned artists from the UK and across the world, and includes exclusives from the legendary Daniel Johnston, as well as MC Lars, Piney Gir, Youthmovie Soundtrack Strategies, Jeremy Warmsley, Ladyfuzz, Emmy the Great, Roland Shanks and The Hot Puppies.
The album progresses through all styles of music, from indie to electronica, hip-hop to folk, and keeps you guessing as much as it keeps you enraptured."

go here to order it.
it's 10 pounds for us yanks. (shipped)

Posted by trevor at October 28, 2006 12:17 PM


dude, is this the same trevor i overheard saying , "I like crunchy snacks. i kinda like crunchy vegetable snacks..." ? dude does not make it easy to find his email. i cant remember why i commited the above to memory, but i think it seemed more entertaining in the context of animating maps of africa. somehow. i also recall cursing your name following your departure from love is in the air.

Posted by: lisa at November 1, 2006 2:52 PM

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