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November 9, 2006

here i sit

sick, not really. stomic things. but its keeping me from things i should really be out doing.
so i'm watching the news hour on PBS. yeah, the news hour. the same show my dad watches.. anyways. its blowing my mind. listening to the people, soon to be on power of the US government, talk about shit i give a shit about. raising minimum wage, stem cell research, enviroment, alternative fuels, pollution. i've gotten so use to hating the government. what am i suppost to do? who can i hate on now?
its just crazy. no one else i know who doesn't write a political blog is talking about any of this. and who knows. the dems could be as corrupt as the repubs.. well see. but for now, its like fantasy land. stem cell research funding!! just saying it gets me all giddy.
obviously from other out comes the people of america, as a whole are not ready to totally move forward. discrimination against gays still seems like the call of the day. and religion this, religion that. its all a waiting game. maybe even a ploy by the GOP to drop all their problems on to the dems before the '08 elections. but anyways, here is where we sit now. lets hope someone can do something good for once.

Posted by trevor at November 9, 2006 6:33 PM